<div class="article-content">
<h1 class="oswald">VersionX 2.0.0-rc4</h1>
<img src="images/reviews/versionx/versionx-cover.jpg" alt="VersionX 2.0.0-rc4" />
<a href="http://modx.com/extras/package/versionx" target="_blank">VersionX</a> is an extra developed by the talented MODX developer
<a href="http://twitter.com/mark_hamstra" target="_blank">Mark Hamstra</a>,
<a href="http://modx.com/extras/package/versionx" target="_blank">VersionX</a> adds a very much needed functionality to MODX, that of saving versions of your Templates, Resources,
Snippets, Chunks, Template Variables and Plugins.</p>
<p>Upon installation of this extra it gives you the option of taking a snapshot of your current Templates, Resources,
Snippets, Chunks, Template Variables and Plugins in order to save these as the first version.</p>
<a href="images/reviews/versionx/versionx_0007_image1.jpg" ` rel="prettyPhoto[pp_gal]" class="prettyGalleryThumb">
<img src="images/title-background.png" alt="VersionX Installation Snapshot" class="lazy" data-original="images/reviews/versionx/versionx_0007_image1.jpg"
<p>After the installation you will see a new entry in your Components tab for
<a href="http://modx.com/extras/package/versionx" target="_blank">VersionX</a> where you can manage all the versions of your existing MODX Elements.</p>
<a href="images/reviews/versionx/versionx_0006_image2.jpg" ` rel="prettyPhoto[pp_gal]" class="prettyGalleryThumb">
<img src="images/title-background.png" alt="VersionX Components Menu Entry" class="lazy" data-original="/images/reviews/versionx/versionx_0006_image2.jpg"
<a href="http://modx.com/extras/package/versionx" target="_blank">VersionX</a> Custom Manager Page (CMP) has a number of tabs, one for each MODX Element. Here you have an overview
of all the versions of each Element with details of when it was saved, by whom and the type of version it saved
wheter it be the creation of a new item, an update or a snapshot.</p>
<a href="images/reviews/versionx/versionx_0005_image3.jpg" ` rel="prettyPhoto[pp_gal]" class="prettyGalleryThumb">
<img src="images/title-background.png" alt="VersionX CMP" class="lazy" data-original="/images/reviews/versionx/versionx_0005_image3.jpg"
<a href="http://modx.com/extras/package/versionx" target="_blank">VersionX</a> CMP allows you to filter your versions by typing the name of the item you are looking for, in what
context (if you have more than one), by user and a date range.</p>
<a href="images/reviews/versionx/versionx_0004_image4.jpg" ` rel="prettyPhoto[pp_gal]" class="prettyGalleryThumb">
<img src="images/title-background.png" alt="VersionX View Version Details" class="lazy" data-original="/images/reviews/versionx/versionx_0004_image4.jpg"
<p>In order to see the Version Details of any item just Right Click on the item and select View Version Details, this
will take you to the Element Details page where you can see all the information for the selected item in one
of the five tabs.</p>
<a href="images/reviews/versionx/versionx_0003_image5.jpg" ` rel="prettyPhoto[pp_gal]" class="prettyGalleryThumb">
<img src="images/title-background.png" alt="VersionX Resource Details" class="lazy" data-original="/images/reviews/versionx/versionx_0003_image5.jpg"
<p>Another great feature is Compare, this feature allows you to Compare the selected Element with any previous version
so you can see the difference between these in a side by side view.</p>
<a href="images/reviews/versionx/versionx_0002_image6.jpg" ` rel="prettyPhoto[pp_gal]" class="prettyGalleryThumb">
<img src="images/title-background.png" alt="VersionX Compare Versions" class="lazy" data-original="/images/reviews/versionx/versionx_0002_image6.jpg"
<p>In order to rever to a previous state just Click on the Revert Resource button and select which version you would
like to revert to.</p>
<a href="images/reviews/versionx/versionx_0001_image7.jpg" ` rel="prettyPhoto[pp_gal]" class="prettyGalleryThumb">
<img src="images/title-background.png" alt="VersionX Revert Resource" class="lazy" data-original="/images/reviews/versionx/versionx_0001_image7.jpg"
<a href="http://modx.com/extras/package/versionx" target="_blank">VersionX</a> also let's you to view the versions of each Element individually via the Versions tab, allowing
you to view the Elements Version Details by Right Clicking on it and taking you to the Element Details page in
order to Compare or Revert to a previous state.</p>
<a href="images/reviews/versionx/versionx_0000_image8.jpg" ` rel="prettyPhoto[pp_gal]" class="prettyGalleryThumb">
<img src="images/title-background.png" alt="VersionX Individual Resource Version Tab" class="lazy" data-original="/images/reviews/versionx/versionx_0000_image8.jpg"
<p>As you can see by this review
<a href="http://modx.com/extras/package/versionx" target="_blank">VersionX</a> is an indispensable extra you should always install with any MODX site you develop, it allows you
to Revert, Compare and even Restore deleted elements back to a previous state.
<a href="http://twitter.com/mark_hamstra" target="_blank">Mark Hamstra</a> has truly done a great job with this extra so if you like
<a href="http://modx.com/extras/package/versionx" target="_blank">VersionX</a> show him some support by making a small
<a href="http://www.markhamstra.com/open-source/versionx/" target="_blank">donation</a> for his efforts and or filing a bug or a feauture request on his
<a href="https://github.com/Mark-H/VersionX2/issues" target="_blank">gitHub repo</a>.</p>
<div class="post-author">
<img src="images/benjamin-marte.jpg" alt="Benjamin Marte" class="author-avatar" />
<div class="author-bio">
Benjamin Marte
<p>Benjamin Marte is a Front End Developer with more than 10 years of experience creating interactive multimedia
experiences both online and offline. He currently works as a Senior Front End Developer at
<a href="http://www.wolterskluwer.com/Pages/Home.aspx" target="_blank">Wolters Kluwer</a>. He's the creator of CMSTricks where he blogs about the MODX Content Management System
and tweets with a focus on MODX and Web Development under the handle
<a href="http://twitter.com/benmarte" target="_blank">@benmarte</a>
<br class="clear">
<div class="details purple-background">
<span class="date oswald text-shadow">24</span>
<span class="month oswald text-shadow">Jul</span>
<span class="year oswald text-shadow">2012</span>
<br class="clear">
<hr class="hr-shadow">
<span class="author text-shadow">Author</span>
<span class="user text-shadow">Benjamin Marte</span>
<span class="category text-shadow">Category</span>
<a href="/tags/reviews" class="category-type text-shadow">Reviews</a>
<span class="comments text-shadow">Comments
<a href="blog/2012/07/24/versionx/#comments" class="comments-count text-shadow">(1)</a>
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Mar 25, 2013 at 04:19 AM
This functionality was sorely needed. If you want to pitch ModX against other CMS systems, the ability to do versioning is a definite plus (or a negative, if the CMS does not have it).
I have experience with the rollback systems of two commercial systems, but this implementation is superior to both.